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Happy Life

We wanted to keep everyone on the edge of their seats for Kathy Ng's newest play, Happy Life. Our sound team came together to create an emotional, haunting, and, at times, hilarious design for this powerful play.

A woman leaving behind a lying life tries to move into her new apartment in Hong Kong, but the two ghosts living underneath the floorboards will not allow it. A real estate agent discusses the intricacies of the Human Sperm Lottery over a naughty phone chat line. A hot-shot porn editor searches for her dead brother in tree branches and empty McChicken wrappers. happy life is a play about the domestic efficiency of stacking the living on top of the dead; about jargon and vomit and the bureaucracy of second chances. What oozes out, when there's no more room?

By: Kathy Ng

Director: Kat Yen

Cast: Amy Chang, Sagan Chen, Priyanka Arya Krishnan, Viet Vo and Rachel Yong

Set and Props Design: Lily Guerin

Costume Design: Alicia J. Austin

Lighting Design: Evan Anderson

Original Music and Sound Design: UptownWorks, Daniela Hart, Noel Nichols & Bailey Trierweiler

Production Stage Manager: Kyra Bowie


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